About Newton Principia Geneva Edition

 Chairperson: Prof. Raffaele Pisano

HOPAST at IEMN, University of Lille-CNRS, France | raffaele.pisano @ univ-lille.fr



Raffaele Pisano (University of Lille, France) & Paolo Bussotti (University of Udine, Italy) Project: Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica Geneva Edition ([1739-1742]1822)



  • Pisano & Bussotti's Newton Principia Geneva Edition International Project was born on 2010 during a Mathematical and Physical Workshop at the Italian Naval Academy in Livorno, Italy. Numerous events and publications on Newton Geneva Edition followed. Please follow this web-link
  • The aim of this two-day International Symposium is the Celebration of 200 years (1822-2022) since the publication of Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica Geneva Edition ([1739-1742]1822). Due to the continuing global pandemic it was not possible to organize it in 2022. It is hosted by the History of Physics and Applied Science & Technologies Team (HOPAST) at IEMN, France | Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN), CNRS-University of Lille, France  | Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage (DIUM), University of Udine, Italy, and the Centre for the History and Philosophy of Physics (HAPP), University of Oxford, UK | The British Society for the History of Mathematics, UK. In particular the aim is to bring together new research–&–interdisciplinary perspectives from history, mathematics, and physics to explore the context of Newton's Science, his Principia (1687) and his (post-edited) Principia Geneva Edition (1822 in Glasgow), to increase our understanding of the subject.



  • Celebration of 200 years since Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica Geneva Edition ([1739-1742]1822)



  • It is recognized that science is an important component of EU cultural heritage, and provides the most important explanations of the material world. Recently fewer youth seem to be interested in science and technical subjects. Does the problem lie in wider socio-cultural changes, and the ways in which young people in EU countries now live and wish to shape their lives? How can we ensure knowledge and skills in reasoning-teaching-learning & conceptual frameworks, critical perspectives & theories? Newton Principia Geneva Edition 2023 is an International Symposium  to provide a platform for young and senior researchers and specialists, including post-docs, Ph.D candidates, and teachers (from various disciplines) from all around the world, who will be welcomed from both academia and from the school system, to meet and share cutting-edge developments in the field.
  • Newton Principia Geneva Edition 2023 aims to improve and innovate scientific, historical/literary/philological and other techniques of investigation of the science of the past, to make the history of science and its foundations exciting for theoretical and experimental research.
  • Newton Principia Geneva Edition 2023 also aims to create an opportunity for a creative dialogue and an exchange of experiences among representatives of different countries, including previous, new and prospective members of the European Union, as well as overseas communities. It will explore knowledge of the past as well as of present–day methods, methodologies, and theories


Thematic Intent 

  • Generally speaking, implications & limits of this non-homogeneous framework for thinking about science and scientific practice should be explored. Therefore, the theme presents new insights and topics on Newton's Principia, the reception of Newton and the Principia, History of Physics/Mathematics (including History and Philosophy of science, Newton as scientist) as well as on its research methodologies. The theme also deals with changes in human ideas over time within the history of human knowledge, thought and thinkers in certain cultures, lives and historical contexts.
  • The historical–scientific research outcomes of this approach deepen our understanding of culture and, in consequence, they may help to integrate culture as a whole – such an approach enabled the creation of Scientific Archives, Museums, and the teaching of History of science in Higher Education on Newton as a subject.


A Sample of Disciplinary Thematic Intent 

  • The third edition of Newton’s (1642-1727) Principia Mathematica Philosophiae Naturalis (1726) adds some new important results to the two previous ones (1687, 1713). Between 1739-1742 a new extensively commented edition was published in Geneva. The editors were the mathematicians: Thomas Le Seur (1703-1770) and François Jacquier (1711-1788), belonging to the minim friars. The Swiss scientist Jean-Louis Calandrini (1703-1758) gave fundamental support to the edition with his physical notes on mechanics and mathematical explanations. The comments (footnotes) of the editors are more extensive than the Newtonian text itself.
  • This edition is composed of 3 vols., (the third one in 2 tomes). Newton’s propositions are detailed, annotated––and––commented: mathematical and physical aspects, geometrical proofs, methodology, discoveries and advancements after Newton’s works are astutely reported. Based on our recent works, Pisano & Bussotti, and their current project (Oxford University Press, 5 vols. pre-print) the aim of Newton Principia Geneva edition/Symposium 2023 is to understand and explain: 1) the genesis of the edition: how did the editors grasp and expound Newton’s methods? 2) the development of mathematical physics in the fertile period 1725-1740, 3) a comparison between the approach to mathematical physics of that epoch and Newton’s original one and along its paradigm until C19th, 4) the role of the Newton Principia Geneva Editionwhy was the publication of a commented edition felt to be necessary? By means of this International Symposium we would like  a) to highlight both Newton's Science and the methodological aspects stressed by the French Geneva Edition editors, that is the progressive replacement of Newton’s “geometry of infinity” with analytical methods. One of the editors’ aims was also to preserve Newton’s methodological heritage; b) to focus on the relationship between physics and mathematics read by means of history and historical epistemology of science. This item will be developed through insights deriving from the Newton Geneva edition; c) to offer room to discuss recent accomplishments and perspectives on the Newton Geneva Edition, d) to consider the Newton Principia Geneva Edition in the context of the spread of Newton’s doctrine not only among physicists, but also among people who were interested in science, but were not scientists. One might speak, in some respect of the importance of popularization of Newtonianism/Newton-Principia Reception.


A Select list of References

  • Newton I ([1726] [1739-1742] 1822) Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, auctore Isaaco Newtono, Eq. Aurato. Perpetuis commentariis illustrate, communi studio pp. Thomae le Seur et Francisci Jacquier ex Gallicana Minimorum Familia, matheseos professorum. Editio nova, summa cura recensita. A. et J. Duncan, Glasgow.
  • Recent see here on Newton Princpia Geneva Edition Publications (by Pisano and Bussoti)



  • Newton Geneva Edition, Physics–Geometry–Mathematics Relationship, Genesis, Ancient Geometry, Principia, Newton, Reception, Le Seur, Jacquier, Calandrini


Research Design 

  • The production of historical/historiographical narratives and explanations are sometimes considered to be quite different epistemic objects than the results of the exact sciences. These attitudes are grounded in wide–spread scepticism about the possibility, scope, and reliability of historical findings.



  • Distinguished international scholars rethinking the role played by Newton's Science &-into post Principia Geneva Edition in current research and topics, methods/methodology/impact/reception within these academic disciplines globally.


Quality & Transferring Knowledge, Supervising & Coordinating Committees

  • The historians & philosophers, by working on manuscripts and editions, literature on the subject, the knowledge, skills/abilities – for both the contents and project conference management – will be systematically performed and transferred to young researchers of the historical communities.


The Impact & Benefits

  • Keynote Speakers & Auditorium: Historians, Scientists, Epistemologists, Philosophers, Ph.D students and Teachers in the field. The venue and its partners will receive fruitful benefits in culture and historical initiatives and projects.


Innovative Task

  • For the first time, since 1822, we celebrate Newton, his Principia/Reception––&––Newton Principia Geneva Edition. A Collection Issue will be organised. 


Ambitiousness and Originality 

  • This Symposium-Project represents an extraordinary opportunity to contribute to the role played by History and Philosophy of Science in France and UK as well as its interplay with EU and overseas scholarly communities.



  • No Limitation Concerning Age and Status/Position.



  • We Strongly Encourage Participants from Ph.D Candidates at all Stages of their Research.


Measuring Gender Equality 

  • According to the UIS (UNESCO INSTITUTE FOR STATISTIC), ''data less than 30% of the world’s researchers are women''. In response, this Symposium-project declares the initiative to consider women as very important agents–scholars for research and dissemination of science in culture.
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